Köster & Co. Profile

Köster & Co. is dedicated to the maxim Safety & Innovation. This means being able to rely on raw materials, documented and certified fabrication processes as well as high-performance logistics. KÖCO customers know that they can rely on the highest dependability when planing projects and on-going further development of already deployed products. Partnership in its best form.
Basic Material
Only special steels are sourced and processed for cold-working taken exclusively from German West-European steel production. All in all about 6,500 tons per year.
Production Facilities

We make use of 4 to 6-step cold forming processes with up to 550 tons press capacity and with up to 240mm lengths and shaft diameters between 5 and 32mm.
Ability to Deliver
Ability to deliver is guaranteed by 100% company owned production i.e. control over own-production facilities. All fabrication processes are carried out on our own premises. Documentation is according to works standard or customer specs.

Collaboation with universities with a view to part geometries in relation to new materials. Goal here is the definition of new material qualities with increased benefit for deployment. For example, KÖCO supplies S235J2+C470 as standard material for all shear connector types DIN EN ISO 13918. That means an average of 10-20% higher tensile strength for the static design of steel subassemblies. A real positive aspect in structural planning is being able to calculate with reduced number of studs. Furthermore, shear connectors demonstrate notch impact toughness down as far as -40°C. And thereby we can guarantee deployment in extreme climate zones.

KÖCO Stud Welding Machines
For more than 60 years now KÖCO has been involved in the international market with its own production of stud welding machines. In the field of drawn arc stud welding, dominance has become a way of life for the series ELOTOP and INOTOP for industrial applications in the building of ships, steel constructions and composite construction. In plant construction, we accompany documentation obligations of safety-relevant components with welding data documentation and data interfaces. For mobile developments such as shipyards, one is best served by our series INVERTER. When working on thin sheet deployments with the tip ignition process then our series KST is ideally suited.
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